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Ethnicity and Cultural Universals

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Understanding Race, Ethnicity, Minority 

Ethnicity: All the cultural universals, age, gender, health status and race make up your socialization or culture. They effect your "life chances."
Race: ONE of the ethnic measures. It's original meaning: "kinship." Todays most common meaning is defined physical characteristics. There is NO aggrement on how many races exist. There are probably few or NO "pure races" left in the world. There is NOT a "superior race." We are all of the same species.
Minority: relative powerlessness on ANY of the ethnic measures. Every one has a minority status somewhere.
Multiple Jeopardy: multiple minority statuses that primarily impact jobs and educational opportunities
Cultural Universals: According to anthropologist George Murdock (1945) there are general traits shared by all current societies and all past societies. The following list are some of those universal traits. It is very important to note that the specifics of a trait vary greatly from culture to culture and over time.
28- war                          
29- dress (formal & informal), a part of "bodily adornment"
30- language (spoken, written, body language: mannerisms)


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