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2010 Final Intro Soc old test

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SLCC Soc 1010, Adams, instructor, Fall Semester 2010
Answer these questions at home. You may use YOUR notes & text and this web site's study guides. You are to do this test by yourself. DO NOT CHECK YOUR ANSWERS WITH ANY BODY.        
Student Name: _____________________________
Choose the single BEST Answer:

1) What is the primary reason many employers rely on diplomas and degrees as sorting devices to choose employees?
A) A high school diploma is the most basic level of achievement needed for any job.
B) Colleges and universities train people for jobs better than any other institution.
C) Employers do not know potential employees.
D) To be successful, all employees require a minimum of academic achievement.

2) What were the two major goals for instituting public education in America during the 1800s?
A) It was to create jobs and increase the earning power of Americans.
B) It was to produce more educated workers and "Americanize" immigrants.
C) It was to raise the level of patriotism and reduce unemployment.
D) It was to develop a strong middle class and advance industrialization.

3) Yoko attends grade school in Japan. What is the central theme of all of her classes?
A) individual competition and achievement     B) individualized instruction and textbooks     C) solidarity with the group and team effort     D) memorization and critical thinking

4) Respect for private property, individuality, and competition are stressed by U.S. schools. This process of passing a nation's core values from one generation to the next is called ________.
A) social integration     B) credentialization     C) cultural transmission     D) social placement

5) Determining which people will enter what occupation is a function of education called ________.
A) social integration     B) cultural transmission     C) mainstreaming     D) gatekeeping

6) According to functionalists, why is social placement or tracking of students beneficial to society?
A) It perpetuates the class system that has been in place for generations.
B) It reproduces the racial and ethnic structure of society for the next generation.
C) It ensures that the more capable people fill positions requiring higher intellectual levels.
D) It creates dedicated workers who will sacrifice personal ambition for the needs of society.

7)  In his research, George Farkas discovered that, even though they had identical test scores, some students were prone to receive better grades than others. Which students received the better grades?
A) white males     B) Asian females     C) white females     D) Latino males

8) Renee has difficulty reading and writing. However, despite her problems with reading and writing, she has been passed into the next grade every year. This is an example of ________.
A) the learning curve     B) cultural transmission    C) social promotion     D) self fulfilling prophecy

9) Durkheim referred to any group of people united by their religious practices, whether they be Hindus dipping in the Ganges River, Buddhists bowing before a shrine, or Aztecs sacrificing a virgin to the Gods as a[n] ________.
A) ecclesia     B) moral community     C) evangelical movement      D) religious sect

10) When the priest raises the cup of wine and blesses it, a bell is rung for all present to take notice and give deep respect. Which of the following statements best describes what has transpired?
A) The wine has now become a part of the profane.     B) The wine has taken on sacred status.
C) The ritual is complete and the service is coming to a close.     D) The members of the congregation have been born again.

11) Sociologists' primary purpose in studying religion is ________.
A) to determine which religions are genuine and which are cults     B) to evaluate the truth of a religion's teachings       C) to study the role religion plays in people's lives     D) to seek proof that some religions are better than others

12) What was the Inquisition?
A) the effort by Christian monarchs to take the Holy Land from the Muslims from the 11th to 14th centuries
B) the purging of witches from the Republic of the Congo in 2001
C) the conquest of Northern Ireland by the Protestants in 1600
D) a special Commission of the Roman Catholic Church to make women confess they were witches

13) A unified picture of the world shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims that includes a belief in only one God who will hold all accountable on the last great day is called a[n] ________.
A) cosmology     B) ecclesia     C) revelation     D) rapture

14) The _______ perspective explains that the teachings of religion help people adjust to life's problems and provide guidelines for daily life.
A) neo-conflict     B) functionalist     C) symbolic interactionist     D) conflict

15) A sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with God is referred to as a[n] ________.
A) cosmology      B) ecclesia     C) religious experience     D) religious practice

16)  The phrase, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed....the opium of the people," can be credited to ________.
A) Emile Durkheim     B) Talcott Parsons     C) Karl Marx     D) Herbert Spencer

17) The theologian who taught that God had predestined some people to go to heaven and others to go to hell was ________.
A) Max Weber     B) Jeremiah Smith     C) David Koresch     D) John Calvin

18) Weber referred to the self-denying approach to life practiced by members of various religions the ________.
A) Protestant ethic     B) Spirit of Capitalism     C) Mediterranean ethic     D) Communist Manifesto

19) Why is Sunday morning between the hours of ten and eleven in the morning called "the most segregated hour in the United States"?
A) People of different races are attending church services connected to their race and ethnicity.
B) Church sermons often have a theme of self-righteousness that encourages segregation.
C) Members of minority groups are often denied membership in some churches.
D) Different racial and ethnic groups have a different view of God and salvation.

20)  The study of the size, composition, growth, and distribution of human populations is ________.
A) geography     B) ethnography     C) demography     D) urban sociology

21) Who proposed the notion that population grows geometrically while the food supply only increases arithmetically, which will eventually lead to mass starvation throughout the world?
A) Edward Sapir     B) Thomas Malthus     C) William I. Thomas     D) Benjamin Whorf

22) Which of the following positions would an Anti-Malthusian most likely embrace?
A) The world's population is following an exponential growth curve.
B) The world's population is undergoing a three-stage growth cycle.
C) The population of the world will eventually outstrip its food supply.
D) The world population doubles during approximately equal intervals of time.

23)  According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, why do women in poor nations bear a large number of children?
A) Men control reproductive choices in the poor nations.
B) They cannot afford to spend money on birth control.
C) They are not educated about how to use birth control.
D) Large families are rewarded socially and economically.

24)  Which of the following conditions would conflict theorists suggest as being the result of a declining standard of living in a given society?
A) political instability     B) mass migration     C) citizen apathy     D) economic alienation

25) Generally, around the globe there are 105 boys born for every 100 girls. However, recently this ratio has been altered with a much larger proportion of boys being born in some countries. What is the primary reason for this shift to a higher proportion of male births?
A) A change in women's diets.     B) The practice of female infanticide.     C) An increase in prenatal care for mothers.     D) The effects of industrialization and technology.

26)  A central city surrounded by smaller cities and suburbs is called _________.
A) an urban village     B) a megalopolis     C) a metropolis     D) suburbia

27)  Jim and Milly have decided to buy and restore an older house in a deteriorated urban neighborhood. Jim and Milly will then live in their renovated home. They are part of a movement referred to as ______.
A) urban renovation     B) gentrification     C) urban networking     D) city upgrading

28)  The process in which one group of people displaces another whose racial, ethnic, or social class characteristics differ from their own, and is then later displaced by yet another group in known as ________.
A) the invasion-succession cycle     B) the invasion-dispersion cycle     C) the acculturation-assimilation cycle     D) the acculturation-succession cycle

29) The city of Brownstown has several centers of activities. On the west side of town there is a cluster of retail stores and a residential district. All of the factories are located on the east side of town. This city follows the ________ model of urban growth.
A) concentric zone    B) multiple-nuclei     C) sector     D) urban village

30)  David is a musician and has moved to the city because of its conveniences and cultural events. According to Gans' categories of urban dwellers, David would be referred to as a[n] ________.
A) ethnic villager     B) cosmopolite     C) yuppie     D) deprived urbanite

31)  What do sociologists call the sweeping changes in society ushered in by the Industrial Revolution, including the rise of capitalism, the accumulation of large surpluses, and the development of distinct social classes?
A) socialism     B) capitalism     C) cultural innovation     D) modernization

32) When did the realignment of national-regional powers known as geopolitics begin to take place?
A) during the Industrial Revolution     B) after World War II     C) before World War I     D) during the Civil War

33) The powerful nations that dominate the world today are referred to as the ________.
A) Triumvirate     B) Group of Eight     C) Tri-council     D) Dominant Four

34) According to Marx, human history shows that struggle develops between the thesis and its antithesis, leading to a synthesis. Marx called this historical change a ________.
A) radical transformation     B) cyclical activity     C) dialectical process     D) analytic process

35) The Vikings "discovered" America long before Columbus set sail in 1492, but failed to record it and the discovery did not lead to any extensive change. What underlying principle of discovery is illustrated?
 A) Discovery must occur at the right time if it is to make an impact on society.
B) Discoveries must be well publicized to benefit society.
C) Some cultures are unable to appreciate the need for discovery and technological change.
D) The Vikings were a primitive and inept society that was unable to take advantage of its efforts.

36) On the average, one tribe of Amazonian Indians has been lost each year of the 20th century. What is the fundamental basis for this destruction of entire civilizations of people?
A) These tribes have taken a strong resistance to modernization.
B) Ethnocentrism and the greed of non-Indians has resulted in their slaughter.
C) There is a lack of social organization among the Amazonian tribe affected.
D) The tribes are being infected by laborers who carry common diseases for which the natives have no immunity.

37) Computerization provides the ability to transfer "digital money" from banks in the United States to Swiss bank accounts, then to offshore accounts in the Grand Cayman Islands, and then to foreign investors. What is the major concern expressed by governments over the use of this technology?
A) Governments can be financially destroyed by such transferring of funds.
B) The technology is not fool-proof and many people have lost vast sums of money using electronic transfers.
C) Only the rich get involved in such practices, further increasing social and financial inequality.
D) The governments involved are not able to tax the money being transferred.

38) Thousands of people have banded together to protest drunk driving, to bring public attention to the deaths and property damage it causes, and to encourage legislators to pass more severe laws directed against drunk drivers. Such a combination of people banding together to create change in society is called a ________.
A) social movement     B) political action committee     C) citizen's revolt     D) public systems analysis

39) Social movements that seek only to change some specific behavior of individuals, such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union's efforts to ban the consumption of alcoholic beverages, are referred to as ________ social movements.
A) alterative     B) transformative     C) reformative     D) redemptive

40) When missionaries introduced steel axes to the Aborigines of Australia it upset their entire society. How do sociologists refer to the spreading of an invention, such as the ax, from one society to another?
A) discovery     B) diffusion     C) reformulation     D) cultural lag

41) During cultural lag, what is the most likely course of events?
A) Nonmaterial culture (beliefs and values) will change first followed by technology.
B) Nonmaterial culture as well as technology become stagnant.
C) Technology will change first but nonmaterial culture will lag behind the technology.
D) Nonmaterial culture and technology will change at such a fast pace that society cannot keep up with it.

42) All societies use technology, but what is the major benefit that technology provides members of the postmodern society?
A) It permits members of the postmodern society to use fossil fuels more efficiently.
B) It greatly extends the ability of members to analyze information, communicate, and travel.
C) It provides more jobs in the primary economic sector.
D) It breaks up ethnocentrism, racism, and misunderstandings between people of the world.

43) What is the social institution that plays a crucial role in social movements, acting as the gatekeepers of information that can either promote or defeat the movement?
A) the mass media     B) the family     C) education     D) religion

44) What is the purpose of propaganda, as the term is applied to social movements, political campaigns, and by governments today?
A) Propaganda presents all pertinent data to the public.
B) Propaganda is one-sided and distorts reality in favor of who controls it.
C) Propaganda seeks to clarify confusing and difficult issues.
D) Propaganda is the use of ?catchy slogans? to incite people to get involved in social movements.

45) What term is used to describe the actions taken by radical environmental groups to thwart the efforts of companies legally engaged in logging and similar industries?
A) ecosabotage     B) environmental relativism     C) Green Party politics     D) environmental sociology

46) Louisiana has canceled millions of dollars of taxes owed by corporations that have been in business for many years under its start-up company incentives. These tax breaks are an example of financial "handouts" called ________.
A) corporate welfare     B) the "trickle-down" policy     C) government-corporate collusion     D) welfare capitalism

47) In the northeastern United States, some lakes that were once considered "good" fishing spots no longer have fish living in them. What is the main reason fish can no longer survive in these lakes?
A) It is because of the greenhouse effect.
B) The burning of fossil fuels has created acid rain that kills the fish.
C) Global warming has raised water temperatures above what the fish can tolerate.
D) With a loss of ground water, lakes are too shallow to support as many fish as they previously did.

48) During the 2004 Presidential election, Senator John Kerry was often seen in a brown worker's jacket on his whirlwind campaign tours. This strategy to convey to the voters that the Senator was "just a regular person" is called ________ by sociologists Alfred and Elizabeth Lee.
A) political association     B) the "common man"      C) identity transfer     D) "plain folks"

49) According to sociologists, social movements go through stages as they grow and mature. What is the crucial stage that enables social movements to become more stable and continue?
A) the organizational stage     B) the resource mobilization stage     C) the unrest and agitation stage     D) the institutionalization stage

50) Why do some cultural conflicts, such as the pro-life/pro-choice controversy, continue perpetually, decade after decade?
A) Both positions have an equal number of supporters.
B) Each position is backed by a major power, one being the American Medical Association and the other the Vatican.
C) There is no middle ground in the positions taken by pro-life and pro-choice advocates.
D) The decision rests in the division of people based on their social class, which seldom changes.

Impress me with the quality of the notes you have taken (type, double space, regular font, regular edges on other paper). This is worth 1/2 of this test, so it should be 5+ pages long. This should be from Chapters 13-15 and the lectures. Do NOT repeat anything from midterm 1, 2, or 3 material

Impress me with your deep thinking of how you can apply what you have learned so far in this course in practical ways.

What can you take away from the course from chapters 13-15?
What important information have you learned?
How can you apply the concepts we have studied in chapters 13-15 in your every day life? In your future career?

Everything else is DUE before or with this test.

This test is only valid for Soc 1010-023 (M, W, F) class.