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Social Problems 1020 Midterm #2 (old version)

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You are to do this test on your own. Do NOT check answers with anyone. Do NOT work on it in class. It is due at the begining of class (first 15 minutes) on Friday March 9th. Bring a #2 Pencil to Class.

Midterm #2 Social Problems Soc 1020  Salt Lake Community College
Spring Semester 2007  Dwight Adams, Instructor
(you are expected to do this on your own; use only your own notes and texts and the study guides on this web site)

Choose the BEST Answer-- 
1. How to dress properly, who is a legitimate sexual partner, and specifications about where it is legal and illegal to park your car, are all examples of
 a. values.    b. beliefs.    c. roles.   d. norms.
2. Norms that are formally created through a societyás political system are referred to as
 a. values.   b. mores.    c. folkways.   d. laws.
3. Violations of __________ end in punishment or a person defined as guilty.
 a. criminal law    b. civil law    c. mores    d. folkways
4. Which of the following is NOT a crime against persons?
 a. murder    b. manslaughter    c. larceny-theft    d. aggravated assault
5. Burglary, larceny-theft, motor-vehicle theft, and arson are all illustrations of crimes against
 a. property.   b. persons.   c. individuals.   d. groups.
6. According to the text, America's first antistalking law was passed in
 a. 1970 in the state of Michigan.    b. 1980 in the state of New York.
 c. 1990 in the state of California.   d. 2000 in the state of Utah.
7. The FBI does not have complete national arson data, but some studies suggest that as many as __________ million cases of arson may occur annually.
 a. 1    b. 5    c. 10    d. 15
8. The profile of the typical street criminal is based on
 a. prosecutions.     b. courtroom convictions.    c. the prison population.   d. arrest data.
9. Research shows that __________ are involved in most arrests for street crimes.
 a. people from all socioeconomic classes    b. middle-class people
 c. people of lower social position              d. upper-class people
10. One example of corporate crime is __________: knowingly producing faulty or dangerous products.
 a. environmental pollution      b. embezzlement
 c. gross negligence              d. racketeering
11. __________ crimes are offenses that directly harm no one but the person who commits them.
 a. Organized      b. Victimless     c. White-collar    d. Corporate
12. In the nineteenth century, an Italian physician came up with the idea that criminals were physically different from law-abiding citizens. This physician's name was
 a. Enrico Ferri.    b. Leonardo DaVinci.     c. Michael Corleone.    d. Cesare Lombroso.
13. The basic idea of __________ theory is that crime (and all forms of rule-breaking) results not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions.
 a. control       b. differential association       c. strain      d. labeling
14. According to Edwin Lemert, the reactions of others to primary deviance can provoke __________ deviance, in which the individual begins to take on a deviant identity.
 a. tertiary       b. secondary        c. serious       d. stigmatized
15. Because a criminal prosecution serves as a powerful ritual that stigmatizes an individual, this procedure has been called a __________ ceremony.
 a. degradation     b. rite-of-passage    c. labeling    d. criminalization
16. __________ involves a negotiation in which the state reduces a defendant's charge in exchange for a guilty plea.
a. Plea bargaining      b. Zero tolerance    c. Judicial salesmanship      d. Community policing
17. __________ refers to using punishment to discourage further crime.
 a. Retribution    b. Rehabilitation     c. Deterrence    d. Stigmatization
18. Punishment provides __________ deterrence by teaching everyone a lesson about what happens to those who break the law.
 a. general        b. specific        c. stigmatizing      d. reverse
19. Suppose that a police SWAT team kills the members of a terrorist group who are holding innocent citizens hostage. These actions illustrate which type of violence?
 a. institutional     b. anti-institutional    c. collective   d. bureaucratic
20. Nearly __________ adults in the United States think that the criminal justice system is not doing enough to combat violent crime.
 a. one out of four     b. one out of three     c. two out of three     d. three out of four
21. __________ rape refers to the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.
 a. Statutory       b. Date       c. Forcible       d. Acquaintance
22. According to the text, perhaps the most tragic fact about child abuse is that
 a. so many children are killed.
 b. the problem is ignored in American society.
 c. many victims come to view violence as normal.
 d. society does not understand the problem.
23. The use of alcohol and other drugs is __________ to violence.
 a. linked       b. related       c. correlated        d. a, b, and c are all correct
24. __________ are groups of young people who identify with each other as well as a particular territory.
 a. Youth gangs     b. Low riders    c. West-Side Storyites    d. Street urchins
25. According to the textás discussion,
 a. most members of youth gangs do not gain a sense of belonging.
 b. the typical member of a violent youth gang comes from a middle-class, two-parent family.
 c. many members of youth gangs have experienced violence in their own home.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
26. The text cites which of the following as an example of a person with an antisocial personality?
 a. O.J. Simpson      b. Richard Speck      c. Charles Manson      d. Claus vonBulow
27. Leonard Berkowitz points out that people who experience frustration
 a. always act on their angry impulses.
 b. generally do not act on their angry impulses.
 c. may or may not act on their angry impulses.
 d. a, b, and c are all incorrect
28. A number of researchers have pointed out that some young men (and, less often, young women) living in low-income, urban neighborhoods come to see violence as an acceptable--and even necessary--element of everyday life. This reflects the __________ approach to violence.
 a. associational      b. conflict      c. subcultural      d. disorganization
29. Social conflict theory treats riots and other forms of crime as a form of
 a. innovation.     b. rebellion.      c. retreatism.      d. ritualism.
30. According to the liberal view,
 a. people tend to be nonviolent unless their lives are twisted by a poor social environment.
 b. people are inherently violent.
 c. the problem of violence is greatest where economic opportunity is most in abundance.
 d. a, b, and c are all incorrect
31. According to the __________ view, government must expand economic opportunity for those who need it most by creating jobs and raising the minimum wage.
 a. radical right     b. conservative      c. liberal      d. radical left
32. According to the __________ view, crime and violence against the government are acts of political rebellion.
 a. radical left       b. liberal       c. conservative     d. radical right
33. Sexual activity may be a matter of human biology but sociologists point out that it is also guided by
 a. individual psychology.    b. human culture.    c. hormones.     d. genetics.
34. Neurobiologist Simon LeVay claims that the key to sexual orientation is found in the human
 a. genitals.    b. psyche.      c. social fabric.    d. brain.
35. According to the current policy, the U.S. military does not demand to know a person's sexual orientation, but can expel men and women from the service for open homosexuality. This policy has been referred to as
 a. hide and go seek.      b. don't ask, don't tell.    c. now you see it, now you don't.      d. tell me now, tell me later.
36. The word pornography comes from the Greek term porne, which means
 a. offensive.    b. obscene.      c. sexual slave     d. vulgar.
37. The text points out that sexual harassment legislation is concerned with effects, not just with the offenderás intent, and considers unlawful any behavior that
 a. is subtle.   b. is overt.     c. creates a hostile environment.     d. is discriminatory.
38. National surveys reveal that about __________ percent of men say they have paid for sex at least once.
 a. 20    b. 50     c. 75    d. 95
39. Founded in 1973, COYOTE is an organization concerned with
 a. the rights of prostitutes.
 b. passing tougher laws against prostitution.
 c. eradicating prostitution from society.
 d. child prostitution.
40. According to national surveys, __________ percent of people believe that prostitution is wrong.
 a. 15      b. 25      c. 35       d. nearly 60
41. In the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton in 1973, the U. S. Supreme Court
 a. struck down all state laws that banned abortion.
 b. outlawed mid-term abortions.
 c. approved early-term abortions, but outlawed late-term procedures.
 d. banned abortion.
42. Infected in various ways, heterosexuals account for __________ percent of AIDS cases.
 a. 5         b. 10      c. 15      d. 30
43. A body of theory and research that challenges the heterosexual bias in U.S. society is known as __________ theory.
 a. homosexual       b. heterosexual bias      c. queer      d. fairy
44. In a study of forty topless dancers in a Southwestern city, researchers found that the women involved
 a. came to this kind of work gradually, in stages, just as people enter any other kind of career.
 b. all used stage names.
 c. generally learned to see their work as useful, pointing out that they provided entertainment without hurting anyone.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
45. According to the __________ view regarding the politics of sexuality, prostitution and pornography harm women and sexual harassment prevents people from doing their jobs.
 a. liberal       b. conservative      c. radical left      d. right-wing extremist
46. According to the __________ view regarding the politics of sexuality, queer theory argues that equality for people of all sexual orientations will require a fundamental change in culture and the U.S. power structure.
 a. right-wing extremist     b. conservative     c. liberal      d. radical left
47. According to the text's discussion,
 a. in one survey, 44 percent of U.S. college students reported abusing alcohol within the preceding two weeks.
 b. almost half a million U.S. adults die prematurely each year from tobacco use.
 c. until 1903, cocaine was a legal drug.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
48. A(n) __________ is any chemical substance, other than food or water, that affects the mind or body.
a. drug      b. psychoactive commodity    c. depressant     d. amphetamine
49. Susan takes drugs to control her seizure disorder. Susan's behavior illustrates which reason for using drugs?
 a. social conformity     b. spiritual or psychological     c. therapeutic     d. recreational
50. Vincent is a Native American who uses peyote in religious rituals. Vincent's behavior illustrates which reason for using drugs?
 a. recreational     b. therapeutic     c. social conformity     d. spiritual or psychological
51. Janice is a heroin user and feels frequent physical cravings for the drug. Janiceás behavior/symptoms best illustrates
 a. addiction.     b. recreational drug use.     c. drug abuse.    d. drug use.
52. In the nineteenth century, doctors considered people addicted if they suffered physical symptoms when they stopped using particular drugs. The symptoms involved here are referred to as
 a. drug abuse.    b. drug use.    c. recreational drug use.   d. withdrawal.
53. Amphetamines
 a. increase awareness.  b. cause an excited sense of well being.
 c. reduce the desire to sleep and eat.  d. a, b, and c are all correct
54. With the exception of nicotine, __________ is the most addictive drug available legally without a prescription.
 a. aspirin       b. caffeine       c. alcohol      d. Motrin
55. The text defines __________ as having at least five drinks in a row for men, or four drinks for women--at least once in the past two weeks.
 a. alcohol abuse     b. binge drinking     c. excessive alcohol use       d. alcohol addiction
56. Hallucinogens are
 a. stimulants.    b. depressants.     c. antipsychotics.     d. analgesics.
57. According to the text, hallucinogens
 a. are highly addictive.
 b. rarely bring pleasure to the user.
 c. can trigger panic attacks that are terrifying to users.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
58. Women using steroids may
 a. experience an enlargement of the clitoris.
 b. stop menstruating.
 c. grow facial hair.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
59. When family members try to earn extra money, help keep house, or directly provide drugs to an abuser in an effort to keep the peace, these behaviors exemplify what is referred to as
 a. addictive enabling.     b. structural support.    c. restrictive bargaining.      d. codependency.
60. __________ refers to stopping drugs from moving across this country's borders.
 a. Interference   b. Interdiction    c. Interstate prevention    d. Interrogatories
61. According to Federal Minimum Sentencing guidelines, possessing 500 grams of cocaine, but only __________ grams of crack, leads to a five-year jail term.
 a. 5     b. 50     c. 100      d. 200
62. Because white people are more likely to use cocaine, while black people are more likely to use crack, critics claim that the difference in sentencing reflects not the drug but
 a. who produces the drugs.     b. the drug users.    c. who sells the drugs.    d. who fences the drugs.
63. DARE
 a. is the most widespread drug education program.
 b. brings police officers into schools to instruct children on the dangers of drugs.
 c. programs operate in 75 percent of elementary schools across the United States.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
64. Consider the observations that alcohol eases social interaction, as when new friends enjoy a drink together, and that drugs like caffeine, Valium, or Ritalin help people cope with the day-to-day demands of modern life. Which perspective do these observations reflect?
 a. symbolic interactionism         b. social conflict
 c. structural-functionalism        d. social disorganization
65. From a __________ point of view, young people who are raised by committed, caring parents, as well as guided by religious beliefs, are usually able to resist any temptation presented by drugs.
 a. conservative     b. liberal       c. radical left       d. right-wing libertarian
66. Because personal choice is important, __________ take a tolerant view of soft drugs.
 a. conservatives       b. radical left supporters      c. liberals      d. right-wing libertarians
67. According to the __________ view, the government threatens civil liberties by using police power to make arrests, seize property, and monitor the lives of individuals suspected of using drugs.
 a. right-wing libertarian   b. conservative    c. radical left    d. liberal
68. The type of medical care system operating in Sweden illustrates
 a. an HMO operation.     b. a market/capitalist system.    c. a preferred provider system.    d. socialized medicine.
69. According to the text's discussion of health care in Japan,
 a. physicians and hospitals are government operated.
 b. a combination of government programs and private health insurance pays most medical costs.
 c. the Japanese rank lower in health among the worldás nations.
 d. a and c are both correct
70. The average annual income of physicians in the United States is now about
 a. $75,000.    b. $100,000.    c. $150,000.    d. $200,000.
71. In which of the worldás high-income countries do people have to pay most of their own medical expenses?
 a. Great Britain     b. the United States    c. Switzerland     d. France
72. About __________ percent of the U.S. population cannot afford a healthful diet.
 a. 2     b. 5    c. 7    d. 15
73. The leading cause of death among African American men between the ages of fifteen and forty-four is
 a. heart disease.    b. homicide.    c. prostate cancer.    d. AIDS.
74. A physical or mental condition that limits a personás everyday activities is termed a(n)
 a. disability.   b. impairment.    c. disorder.    d. illness.
75. Jeffrey is a paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair. Jeffrey suffers from a(n)
 a. disease.    b. illness.    c. disability.    d. disorder.
76. A government tally reports that about one in __________ people older than fifteen years of age suffer from disabilities.
 a. four     b. eight    c. twelve     d. sixteen
77. Alzheimer's disease
 a. is chronic.       b. is disabling.   c. involves a gradual loss of brain function.      d. a, b, and c are all correct
78. The disability rate for people in families earning less than $10,000 is __________ as for those in families earning $35,000 or more.
 a. twice as high     b. three times as high    c. twice as low    d. three times as low
79. The most widely used classification of mental disorders is the
 a. APA Chronicle.     b. DSM-IV.   c. APA Newsletter.     d. Journal of the American Psychiatric Association.
80. According to the text's critical evaluation of the structural-functional paradigm,
 a. taking on the sick role depends on being able to afford to take time off from work and to seek out medical care.
 b. doctors alone hold the key to good health.
 c. health is simply a matter of being sick or well.
 d. a, b, and c are all incorrect
81. According to the textás critical evaluation, the social conflict approach
 a. overestimates the degree of inequality in the U.S.
 b. overlooks the fact that the overall health of the U.S. population has improved dramatically.
 c. gives too much praise to capitalist economies.
 d. assumes that health care systems in countries with capitalist economies lack the latest technology.
82. According to the __________ view, individuals need to take greater responsibility for their own health.
 a. liberal     b. radical left     c. right-wing extremist    d. conservative
83. According to the text,
 a. in the capitalist economy of the United States, less than 50 percent of economic production is privately owned.
 b. in the United States, corporations receive more government welfare than poor families.
 c. many segments of the U.S. marketplace are dominated by a few giant corporations.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
84. __________ is the social institution that guides a society's decision making about how to live.
 a. Government    b. Economics     c. Politics     d. Religion
85. Laissez-faire is from the French, meaning
 a. open competition.     b. leave it alone.    c. government by proxy.   d. social welfare.
86. The text points out that
 a. capitalism permits--even encourages--producers to lay off workers when profits fall or machines can do a job more cheaply.
 b. high economic equality is a mark of capitalist societies.
 c. a capitalist system benefits everyone equally.
 d. concentrated wealth means distributed power, which fosters democracy.
87. The text points out that
 a. in practice, socialist nations have far less economic inequality than a capitalist society.
 b. socialist systems have a relatively low overall standard of living.
 c. socialist societies have been criticized as highly regimented, with government limiting individual liberty.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
88. Under state capitalism, the government
 a. operates largely independent of large, privately owned companies.
 b. owns some large companies, although most property is privately owned.
 c. permits market competition and individuals accumulate different amounts of personal wealth.
 d. a, b, and c are all correct
89. What distinguishes __________ societies is their extensive government welfare programs, paid for by high taxes, that provide child care, housing, and medicine and medical and dental care for the entire population.
 a. welfare capitalist    b. state capitalist    c. socialist    d. mixed economic
90. Together, the largest 100 businesses/corporations in the United States are responsible for __________ of all corporate production.
 a. one-fourth    b. one-third     c. one-half     d. three-fourths
91. Today, with a population of only 22 million people, Saudi Arabia ranks __________ in the world in terms of economic output.
 a. first    b. second    c. fifth     d. twentieth
92. __________ are political alliances of people interested in some economic or social issue.
 a. Conglomerates   b. Special-interest groups    c. Oligopolies    d. Oligarchies
93. In 2000, there were __________ political action committees in the United States.
 a. 835     b. 1,835      c. 2,835     d. 3,835
94. Liberals and radicals on the left argue that low voter turnout reflects
 a. widespread alienation from politics.    b. indifference.    c. laziness.   d. stupidity.
95. In the 2000 presidential election, in comparison to 53 percent of men, __________ percent of women cast a vote.
 a. 26   b. 36     c. 46      d. 56
96. The tendency for women and men to hold different opinions about certain issues and to support different candidates is referred to as the gender
 a. gap.    b. exclusion.     c. exception.    d. barrier.
97. The first talk of a political gender gap took place during the presidential election of
 a. 1960, when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon.
 b. 1980, when Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter.
 c. 1992, when Bill Clinton defeated George Bush.
 d. 2000, when George W. Bush defeated Al Gore.
98. The voting record has shown that, in comparison with men, women are more likely to
 a. support gun control.    b. oppose the death penalty.     c. support the protection of people with disabilities.     d. a, b, and c are all correct
99. According to the text, the power-elite model
 a. accepts the pluralist view.
 b. leads to the conclusion that both wealth and power in U.S. society are highly concentrated.
 c. views organizations serving as checks and balances on one another.
 d. a and c are both correct
100. The __________ paradigm challenges the notion that U.S. society is democratic, highlighting the extent of economic and political inequality.
 a. structural-functional     b. social conflict     c. symbolic interaction     d. social disorganization
A Reminder:
CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICPATION IMPACTS YOUR FINAL GRADE. The Weekly assignments are worth 20% of your Final Grade.

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